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Well, Got my new ssd, a Samsung 860 evo 1TB. this sucker is fast.
And I also opted to go with win 10 pro x64.
A little bittersweet atm, Once things are installed, they run real fast, but installing some take a while because they require a bunch of updates.
Plus for some reason, my Google account didn't save all my sites, and passwords, so I have to manually go to each one and log in, then save it to favorites.

Meh, I might be up all night installing everything, but when I'm done I'm going to have a sweet setup.

Worth it.

TristanNuvo 8 Mar 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Sounds pretty sweet. I'd guess you got a SATA III. I built my first SSD box maybe close to 10 years ago. I bought 4 60 GB OCZ SATA II drives. SATA III probably was available at the time, but they were still spendy. I put those 4 drives in RAID 0 with Ubuntu. I want to say the read/write was around 250 MB/sec. I also had a AMD 6 core processor in that. From the time you hit reboot, to the time you loaded your browser it was about 10 seconds. A lot of your SATA III's will be 525 MB/sec or better. I did a performance test, and I want to say it would read 1100-1200 MB/Sec.

I'm not fond of Win 10. Too much crapware/bloatware. I have an i7 with 8 GB RAM, and a SSD. It takes like 10 seconds to open a .JPEG. It is that slow.

Sounds cool tho!

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