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It’s been a while but I thought I’d check in. Winter has sure been long... I am really looking forward to spring and the melting of all this snow!
Between my own medical appointments and frequent visits to the vet for both of our cats, it seems like that’s all I’ve done all winter...
Spring will be a welcome relief...
I’m hoping to see some interesting birds again this year, and maybe even a repeat visit from the Pilated Woodpecker that came last year!
Take care everyone!

Hippiechickdawn 2 Mar 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I can hardly believe that photo! What I've read states that an oversized specialty suet feeder is required to draw in pileateds. I bought one (double cake type), but have not caved and bought the natural plug/log type (pretty sure my raccoon-bird feeder war would resume with a vengence!). I have multiple smaller suet feeders like you depict, so... maybe. I HEAR them in my woods every year and would love to see them!

Zster Level 8 Mar 11, 2019

For you and all of us getting truly sick and tired of this winter:

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