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Really wish people would quit using their "cultures" as justification for ANYTHING.
It's just more garbage to keep us divided.

KKGator 9 Mar 12

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Totally can love your culture and defend it - but that does not give you any particular high ground -- all cultures have anomalies and what makes it interesting is to learn all about different cultures without making any judgments - one way or the other....IMHO


It is as bad a mistake to believe that culture is a source of truth just as much as with religion, both are just as good at promoting lies. We should all recognize that we are all victims of our cultures, and should do our best to reason our way out of them.


No shit!


Well, there is a difference between “my culture/religion is important to me” and “my culture/religion is to be a dick to you.”

Not a whole lot of distinction between the two anymore.


nothing new then,

So much double-speak. The currency of con men.
Oh look! The currency of religion.
What a coincidence.


John Cleese - Political Correctness Can Lead to an Orwellian Nightmare

I don't mean that no one should be offended by anything. I could care less if people are offended.
What I mean is that I'm tired of people using their "heritage" or their "culture" as justification for being assholes to others.

i.e., White southerners who use their "southern heritage" to justify leaving up symbols of the Confederacy.
The Confederates were traitors and they LOST.
Why in the fuck are there monuments to them?
Shit like that.

@Allamanda Being "sympathetic" is not anything I'm remotely interested in.
There is no "great arbitrator".
As far as the southerners go, they don't get to be conflicted.
They lost. They surrendered. Their "conflicted" feelings are irrelevant.
They wanted to keep other humans in bondage.
For those who have romanticized that period, they use their "heritage" as an excuse to be assholes.

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