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Fuck the Pentagon - If it were not for all their interference in the affairs of other countries, we would not have to deal with what they call "terrorism" . . . . in the end THEY are the world's biggest terrorists.

THHA 7 Mar 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Sounds like soshulism to me, can't have that but it shows how the Republican party has changed since his days.


Not going to disagree with much, except, they aren't the only evil. Last year's statistics show that in the US, White Nationalists are the worst and most dangerous terrorists.

@powder ,
those countries= Orwell's Oceanna, which he wrote about in "1984" 70 yrs ago.
his Eurasia is being formed right before our eyes as germany is being forced to align with russia then the rest of europe will follow. then there will be Eastasia consisting mainly of japan & china.
the die is cast.

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