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I can’t seem to make a post on the main page - I have to use the “Post” button on the top of the page. But I like the one on the main page because you can make links and polls and whatnot.

altschmerz 9 Mar 19

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So @Admin @developer did the usual Post Form disappear on purpose or is it a coding glitch?

Some of us miss them.

They aren't available immediately in Groups or in Forums anymore for Original Posts - you now have to pop them out by clicking on "Post".


I actually don't know another way to post to the main page.

Do you mean post to the Forums? Like "General and Hellos"?

@Closeted Did there used to be just a form when you arrived on the page?

I swear that form has gone missing everywhere. From the boards as well.

Now you have to pop it out on the Group Board by hitting "Post". I have to admit that confused me too.

@Closeted Aha! That has gone missing EVERYWHERE for me.

Boards and Forums. I figured it was an upgrade. I liked the old way better.
Granted I'm conditioned that way from FB (years and years of FB). But it speaks to ease of use for the form to just be there.

@Closeted Hmm mine seem to fade out - let me check that?

@Closeted Not read is the top one and read is the bottom one.
That's on my laptop. Not sure what my Kindle shows?
Ah same on my Kindle.

And you are correct no "Eye" on either.

That was a handy little indicator wasn't it?

@Closeted Well that's a definite problem. There's no indicator of any kind that they are read at all?

@Closeted @Admin @developer that's a definite problem.

Not being able to discern what you have or haven't read. You must intend for there to be some sort of definition right? (See the screenshot above).

Kafirah confirms this looks the same on her Android phone and computer as well. No Eye Icon and no graying out.

@Closeted Tell him. Sometimes when it's coding it's hard to explain in words. Show him the clip from here and tell him where you pulled it from precisely. When he understands it came from a Forum he'll understand that no one is able to see what they've already read and it's problematic.

Yes in some places we see the graying out - like I showed you.
But in others we aren't.. So depending on how you use the site it's an issue.

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