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March 23rd is International Atheist Day.

JoplinAtheist1 6 Mar 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Thanks. I copied and posted it on Facebook.


We only get a day?

Yeah, the believers at a lot more days than that.


I don’t believe in that.

2 so tired of everything having it's 'day' ...but this one ..I'm OK with. But what, everyone respects us for ..a day 😕

Varn Level 8 Mar 21, 2019

Strange , I did not know you can only do it on one day, most people here seem to be atheists 365 days of the year . So what are you the other 364 ?

I like that idea ?


Damn . . I still haven't sent out my Happy Atheists Day cards yet

Does Hallmark even make cards for that?

@snytiger6 I’ve still got a box of Atheist Winter Solstice cards ...they did not go over well..

@Varn Isn't it funny how Christians expect Christmas cards to be happily received, but they get upset if you choose to acknowledge any other beliefs around them....

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