Searching Online on Job Applicants
So what are your thoughts on companies who take applications online and then sort out people because of their online info which may or may not be correct?
I have seen companies that do this before they even meet an applicant and others that use it as a final sort.
I do check my name online every once in a while because a couple times I found things that were not only untrue but harmful to my job placement or credit score. I was able to get them removed fairly easy but the fact is they were there and if I hadn't looked I could easily be judged by the false info.
What do you think about this issue?
I guess it was a good idea I never used my real entire name on social media, even in my teen years. Not that I had anything to hide, but given conservative or religious hiring employers may not like my swearing posts or, more recently, my anti-theistic views.
I know my company looks online. Not sure if they would take something at 100% unless it was corroborated. I imagine they weed out people based upon bong-hit pictures and those playing drinking games that are stupid enough to post it online. (Usually Facebook) I do know that they will compare your LinkedIn page to your resume. If they don't match... You are automatic toast!