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Anyone else ever wonder what percentage of "religious" people are simply faking it to fit in?

AgnoLulu 5 Mar 23

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Sure. That's why it's important for us to be "out" about our beliefs or lack of them, to show others they are not alone and it's really okay to not be part of the herd.

I live in Rowan county, Kentucky, and was involved in the protests against Kim Davis, the clerk who would not issue marriage licenses to non- hetero couples.

The importance of being out about my beliefs became very clear as day by day the reactions of those driving by our picket line changed. At first we only got one finger salutes, rude comments and lectures, but as time went by more and more people gave us friendly waves or joined us, or thanked us. They had to learn that it's okay not to pretend to hate just to be part of the percieved majority.


I would say at least 30 % or better. That shows that our numbers are growing.


Example most practicing Catholics don't believe everything taught by the church. Most people practice a pick and choose approach that is comfortable to them.


Ha ya I notice Xtians don't like getting into that "leave the camp" or "come out of her, my people" stuff very much lol


Oh very much so.

Back in my fundamentalist daze, we had this thing, usually during Wednesday night prayer service, called "testimony time". In the small country church I was part of at the time, the minister would yield the floor for people to "share" testimonies of god's working in their life.

Of course there was a wee problem: god doesn't exist and was oddly absent from intervening in our lives that particular week.

There was invariably a long, uncomfortable silence after the floor was opened for "testimonies", after which someone would reluctantly, in the name of saving some face for the group, come up with something really lame, like "God has really been present with me this week". And it would go downhill from there. You knew they were scraping the bottom of the barrel and putting on a brave face. Yet for some reason the pastor kept doing it, week after week, and occasionally sprung it on us at other times.

It never occurred to me to wonder much in those days if this wasn't all just for show (or how much of my own profession of faith was a farce). What can I say; self-reflection just wasn't our strong suit. Nor was it encouraged. At all.

It's probably less common but not at all unusual, I'd guess, for people to admit to themselves they don't believe, and deliberately fake it to keep the peace with their family or whatever.

Peer pressure can be a driving force can't it? It sounds a lot like a group of adolescent boys trying to impress each other with tales of sexual conquests (that never happened) in order to fit in. Human nature is like that. Humans don't want to be left outside the group. So faking is as much a part of being in a group as anything else, I think. And religion is a prime example of it.


And is that better? Or worse?

Good question. I know that I have in order to fit in or not ruffle feathers etc...


I'd say somewhere between 70 to 95 percent are faking it. Only the really sick ones believe.

JCII Level 5 Mar 27, 2019

So awesome to know that such a beautiful intelligen​t woman like yourself is close by.....too many blind faith people in this area.... I feel lucky to have met you in this desert of ignorance

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