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Something got me upset a few days ago which i suppose contributed to my uncalled for rant against the climate change believers/disciples.
the teachers in BC led their students in a demonstration against the use of carbon based fuels. so these teachers are actually indoctrinating the kids from an early age against the evils of anything to do with oil.
and yet these teachers are also demanding a substantial pay increase. so that's where the disconnect lies. they want to block pipelines to the coast which would enable alberta & BC to sell gas/oil on world mkts which would increase their revenues & therefore the tax base from which the teachers salaries are paid from.
makes no sense to me, but then i'm pretty well convinced that i'm already deluded.

callmedubious 8 Mar 24

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I think you need watch some of the YouTube content of Potholer 54. He explains the whole climate thing quite nicely and in a scientific manner.


Oil is only required to maintain the present level of decadence enjoyed by the first world countries and lusted for by the rest. Climate Change/Global Warming aside, there is only a finite source, so alternatives should be sought now, not later. Oil was not a major commodity 150 years ago


I certainly hope we don't need oil and gas for decades. Personally I applaud the teachers and hope they get their raise. Climate change is science not an ideology and it is perfectly proper to teach it in school.

gearl Level 8 Mar 25, 2019

You are ignoring the environmental destruction caused by burning and mining of fossil fuels, oil spills, earthquakes from fracking, ground and water poisoning caused by mining,drilling and fracking, etc.


you also missed my point. the world needs oil & teachers need to get paid...

WTF has that got to do with a province's ability to pay teachers?
are you suggesting that as a country canada just stops selling oil on world mkts just for idealogical reasons & to make the righteous people like you applaud & feel good?
where is the money going to come from to pay teachers, govt employees, pensions, etc.
and meanwhile the ROW still will get their fossil fuels elsewhere.

@ToolGuy ,
so you believe the man who started the US national debt on an exponential path. and you think it can go on forever. so simple never have to pay any debt back, everybody is prosperous. what could go wrong?
if you really believe that then you don't need to smoke anything. you're already in never, never land.

@ToolGuy ,
i could post reports & studies from highly regarded scholars & successful financiers who have thoroughly debunked that BS voodoo economics.
but you would probably just say it was "junk economics". which is the term you apply to anything that disagrees with your global warming zealots.

@ToolGuy ,
"But if we accept your position that it is not occurring and do nothing"
when did i ever say that is is not occurring & do nothing? and WTF does that have to do with economics?
you have recently strayed into the role of a prevaricator.


No, it’s not you who are deluded.


I think teachers should not promote their ideologies in class. But how can they avoid that if the ideologies are built into the curricula? Perhaps, at the very least, the teacher/student relationship should not be allowed to take to the streets.

It most certainly is if you take to the streets with it.


If you think climate change is some kind of hoax supported by 98% of scientists, you are most definitely deluded.

what did i say in the above that indicated that i think it's a hoax?
you are a non-thinker.
bye bye. i won't be seeing you again.

That 98% or whatever is a very dubious figure, if studied critically it turns out to be propaganda.


Climate Change Consensus


It is true that neatly everyone agrees that we are in a warm period. There is great diversity of opinion on the cause of warming, its seriousness, and what should be done.

For teachers to indoctrinate young people into the ways of irrational fear borders on the criminal IMO.

[],, its climate CHANGE.... The Earth's climate has been changing for .... well,, BILLIONS OF YEARS!!! Hell, North America was home to a HUUUUGE Glasier for millions of years, up until about 30k years ago.. Here's a nifty video showing how our own glacier here in N. America dissipated leaving us with the land we have today. Do you think man caused that climate change that melted that glacier in Canada and N. America?

@WilliamFleming ,
nice try William. but anything that doesn't agree completely with the views of the indoctrinated is just junk science.
rather convenient for lazy minds.


'Believers'. There is no question about this you know? Climate change is NOT in doubt, it is real and is happening. Isn't there wide scale flooding in parts of USA, Idai has killed 700 people, ice caps are melting. This isn't a philosophical discussion. Its real!

you too missed my point. the world needs oil. even the most optimistic reports say that it'll be many decades before green energy can replace oil.
ergo, canada has lots of oil to sell to a mkt that needs it & if they don't get it from us they'll get it elsewhere.
and yet these teachers who get paid by govts & are demanding a pay increase are trying to prevent the govts from having enough revenue to pay them.
does that make sense to you?

There have been storms and floods since time immemorial. There is no clear trend linking such events to changing climate.

Climate hysteria is a form of mind control.


You are wrong. Coastal flooding, melting glaciers, super-powerful hurricanes and massive wildfires in the West were predicted 30 years ago by climate scientists.

One example: intensified forest fires and climate science.


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