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I have no idea what I would do if someone loved me and wanted to take care of me. My husband didn’t. The men before him didn’t. They wanted my face, my body, for one thing. Ok two. Sex. And in the case of my husband, trophy wife. It wasn’t to love me.

Ever been a tissue?

Something a man cums into and throws away?

Men, please. Explain why you do that.

Aryn 7 Mar 26

Enjoy being online again!

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This is not about all men. This is about your choices in men. I have been with women who have been fucked up as hell. I don't blame all women for my choices. I see that here a lot. It is childish and getting very fucking boring. All men are not the same. All women are not the same. That is a fact.

@Aryn You just said men. I can read. It is a. Open forum, and l will say what l like.

@Aryn You need to read your own post again. "Men please explain why you do that". That indicates all men. You sound ignorant and foolish to use that generalization. All men are not the same. All women are not the same, and if I implied they were, your fucking head would explode.


It is not men in general but some men. When my partner was dying I was nervous that I couldn't do what was needed. Luckily, not much was needed but support and some minor other things. For me it's kind of like having a child. I didn't want one and thought I couldn't handle it. But when she came along and her mother didn't seem to have much feelings for her I was able to to do what was needed. Diapers, feeding, some discipline and taking care of some emergencies (and there were some doozies) no problem.

There are men who care for their partners. When you truly love someone you want what's best for them not ourselves. That should work with both partners.


Don't feel like The Lone Ranger here...I have always been the "leader " in any relationship (or, wait, punching bag in the first marriage) and in 70 years, where, exactly, are the real men? Or is it just publicity stunts?

Where are the real women? The men you have been with were your choices. All men are no more alike than all women are alike. That is an ignorant statement and you know it. You sound like a twenty year old.

@Sticks48 My second husband of 33 years was the very best liar there is. I wish I had a dime for every person who told me how lucky I was to have "such a fine man". Yup, screwing anything that moved, including my cousin's wife. Possibly in the hundreds. Who are you supposed to trust if not "the fine man" you are married to? I am not going to check odometer readings, or hire investigators, that would be a horrible way to live! And here you come, blaming the victim. Our doctor Congratulated me on not having caught something.....he knew but was of course bound by privacy rights. I worked in a shipyard, almost the lone woman amidst 20,000 men, for 13 years...I know and like men. Am I responsible for being fooled by a sociopath?

@AnneWimsey l am sorry you married a sociopath. Sociopaths are so easy to spot. I have known five in my life. They are so obvious, just like our President. There are always red flags. I have ignored them and paid the price. That is on me. I never felt like a victim. I felt stupid, because l made the choice. It was on me. They are who they are.

@Sticks48 well, good for you. Like i mentioned, Everyone was charmed & fooled by him, for 33 years, in fact when we broke up the rumor started that it was because I was a lush (I am a lifelong teetotaler!) Because "how could anyone break off with such as swell guy?" Then he showed up with the 55 year old porn queen.......
And yes I felt pretty stupid, and missed a good chunk of my life, but even our doctor said, "you are not to blame yourself for trusting someone you have a right to trust".
You sound pretty nasty and self-righteous to me, and I think I will block you, bu-bye,


Physical attraction and sex do not make a healthy relationship.


I wish I could but I can't. I don't understand the mentality.

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