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Just wondering if there's a way to block alerts from people who have their options set to "Do not share my profile or posts on".
When someone makes a post to a group I'm a member of I get the alert, but can't see the post. It's not that big of an issue, just a minor irritant I felt like bitching about.

1of5 8 Mar 26

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You can always sign in on the side of things. 😉

But I get your point - I tagged Admin below.

But it took me a whole week to get to level 6. I'd hate to waste all those points.

Thanks, I should of thought of that.

@1of5 You should still be level 6 on either side - If I sign in on Humanist I'm still "me" - points and all. 😉 If not - just cruise back over to Humanist.

@RavenCT seems kinda silly to have it set up that way, but I'll give it a try.


@RavenCT well that seems to work, but now what about people on that don't want their stuff on agnostic....? ?

@1of5 I did not know both sites had opt outs. That's a conundrum to be sure.

I didn't opt out - I figure I'm Humanist and Agnostic so I didn't have that conflict at all. But some do - in either direction. (Labels).

@RavenCT think I'll make a poll later and see why some opt out. 2 polls, actually, one for each "site".


@Admin this sounds like a coding issue.


I was wondering why that was happening.

LB67 Level 7 Mar 26, 2019
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