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We need more atheists in government, local, state and national.

STICKFW0175 2 Nov 9

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We need to collectively support atheist candidates, elected officials. Does not make sense for civic responsibities to be governed by the religious.


Yes we do, but unfortunately there are still laws on the books in some states that prevent atheists from holding public office. How these haven't been struck down as unconstitutional is beyond me, but they're there. There is also the problem that even in the states where it isn't illegal, it's unlikely an atheist would win anyway, due to the sheer number of believers that inherently distrust (if not outright hate) anyone who isn't a believer themselves.


Any public official that brings religion into a discussion (even along the lines of "let's pray for ..." ) should be removed from office, in my opinion. It makes assumptions about the religious affiliations of everyone present and piles on the pressure to conform.


I agree with you.
Also more logical people should work


I think there are far more atheists in government than admit it. I'd only be guessing on percentage, but I suspect it's higher in federal government than in the general population. My sense is that religiosity is a tool for many of them, rather than the result of genuine belief. The problem, though, is that so few care about atheist rights and are willing to sell out those of us who identify as non-theists of one stripe or another. Politics is a dirty game, and few of our representatives care about democratic ideals, doing what's best for their constituents, etc. It's all about power, reputation, and money, and they do the right thing only when it's politically in their own interest. So, I wouldn't hold my breath for any demonstrable improvement if/when atheists and agnostics are better represented in government.


While I think it would certainly be a good thing, just remember there are crooked atheists too.


Stay tuned. Millennials aren't very religious.


I couldn't agree more, and thankfully it is slowly happening in my country, Australia. One of our best loved prime ministers Bob Hawke, was quite openly and unapologetically atheist. And a recent incumbent of that office who was professed devoutly christian ended up being laughed out of office, his opinion polls dropped so far that his party stabbed him in the back.


Interesting highlight, but don’t you think we need common sense and logic to manage our life either through government or state or any entity.

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