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The US is not a christian nation . . . .

THHA 7 Mar 30

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You havent traveled much then have you? Lol


Well.... considering our current POTUS, we ARE known as an asshole nation.... Or at the very least a nation commanded (sic) by an asshole.


I agree that the USA is not a Christian nation. However, as long as the people tolerate the asshole in the White House, the USA is -- in the eyes of the rest of the world -- an asshole nation. 😟


I love this pic. If you have anymore similar, it would be great if you can post em’


Kkkkkkkkkkkk I just had laugh at the asshole stuff. So I think the religious right are the ones who keep confusing your secular country with a christian one


Well, I have to burst your bubble, no just kidding. It is only your president that the rest of the world are calling an asshole and some of his friends and his worshipers.


Our founding fathers were not Christians. They were Deists. They instituted separation of church and state fully understanding the Christian push to impose itself on government and everyone in spite of the fact that they came here to escape religious persecution.


Totally agree!


Give it time, we're almost there now.


I like Ben Franklin's original motto on our currency.

Much better Motto. I think we should go back to that!!!

@Redheadedgammy That's at least two of us.

@Elganned And let's make it an even 4.

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