Of course, unlike, bombs, bullets and even horses, the poor have been and always shall be an inexhaustible resource, you'll never run out of them because they keep making more of them, in fact it is almost impossible to stop them, but even if that were not the case, all you have to do is raise prices and their number doubles over night.
Don't see anything satirical in that, it just about as plain a truth as you can get. And also remember that if you can't govern well, give everyone fair rewards and fix the problems at home, then you can always blame foreigners, and if that does not work then you can always ship people out to fight the foreigners so that they can't fight the problems at home.
you just about revealed the playbook in the fascist USA that's about to unfold.
@callmedubious Sadly its not new, it is what all dictatorships and failed democracies have always done, countries mainly make war abroad because that's easier than fixing the problems at home.
@Fernapple ,
to para that great economist Ernest Hemmingway: inflation of the currency is the first panacea of a failed state, war is the second. both bring temporary relief & permanent ruin.
Absolutely true. And profits go sky-high for steel companies, weaponry, vehicle and aircraft industries, contractors for uniforms, helmets, amunition, etc. (that belong to the rich)