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Honestly people, what is it? Don't you get it? there are only men and women!!!!!!!!!

greenparks 3 Apr 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I have a friend who instead of an XX or XY chromosomal pair has an XXY chromosome. So, I disagree about there just beign males and females.

If you get into the literature there are those who have other extra chromosomal combinations. Life is not that simple. People are not that simple. There are exceptions to every norm.


I think the problem is you don't use enough exclamation points to get your point across. Your logic, layed out so succinctly, should have done it - but alas! Not enough exclamation points to properly sum up your thesis.

1of5 Level 8 Apr 8, 2019

The more online posts I read, the more I realize how widespread ignorance-and the hubris that goes with it-is.


And here I thought the UK had a better educational system than the US... a quick google search would dispel you of your apparent lack of education on the subject. The only thing keeping you from a better perspective is your lack of knowledge on the subject. Either that or your personal beliefs. And, seeing as you are among a whole site of non-believers, that would be incredibly ironic.

PS - you're going to get blocked for this.

@Bobby9 done and done, and neither are you Bobby, as you are a level 7 and this is the first time we've ever met and the first time I've ever been made aware of your existence, but that's probably because I have a lot of your friends blocked already. I am very intolerant of idiocy. There is no place for it in my life. And this sort of antiscience Christian belief bleedover into the realm of agnostics is just that. Fucking trolling, to be precise. And as a trans woman, I get enough of that sort of bullshit IRL. I'm not accepting it here, where I have a block option.


I don't know whether to just pop popcorn or attempt to educate you.

In 1982 I was in college and on my dorm floor there was a hermaphrodite. Would you like to explain to me how there are only men and women?

Because according to my Human Sexuality Prof. there's more than men and women. XXY - YYX - XX - and XY. So four at last count that we know about.

Maybe read up?

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