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I honestly think that way in the back of every stout religious person's mind sits a little Ricky Gervais voice saying "naaah... its all a bit far fetched to me...."

believeinlove 6 Apr 8

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I guess that's the phenomenon of being "tempted to doubt." I have heard Christians talk about it and I have heard sermons on how to resist it. And as a Christian I was so tempted many times before I finally "committed the sin" of yielding to it.


It's an indoctrination. I was born into it. I didn't have a choice. Then I thought for myself.


There's gotta be something. Religious know just what to dodge to keep them from having to think too hard.


I think once you drink the kool-aid you have a pretty strong investment in whatever belief system you've signed up for and won't be swayed by mere facts or scientific evidence. At that point cognitive dissonance will keep you firmly in line at least until some drastic life event comes along that shows you a massive betrayal of your trust: murder, pedophilia, rape, etc.

@believeinlove I don't know about you, but I was indoctrinated in my parent's religion but never really bought into it and being a voracious reader, eventually found my own path. I guess it's just the way I imagine things, that for people who have made a religious commitment, it must take a lot to make a big change in belief/disbelief. What else could it be?

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