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Anyone else falling hard for Pete Buttigieg? I generally prefer candidates who keep their religion out of my government. It almost seems like he's just pushing back at the misuse of it by the political right.

I think a Christian Veteran pushing back against Tump could be effective at disarming the crap GodnGuns crowd puts out there.

I got brutally dragged in a Facebook atheist group for bringing him up. He does seem to have many Athiest supporters though. I asked about other atheists on an unofficial page of his I'm on and it is the single most popular Facebook post I've ever made. Civil and intelligent conversation about atheism in a page supporting a Christian.

MsAl 8 Apr 9

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No matter what he says, his being gay is a non-starter. Same for Gillibrand. Being gay shouldn't be a factor, but losing to Trump is not an option ( Atheists need not apply either. When atheists can run, then I'll consider a gay candidate. ). And being a vocal Christian? Gag reflex. A gay Christian surely has a pile of neuroses requiring perpetual therapy. He only wastes our time out of sheer hubris, so he is not a good choice at all. Gillibrand is even worse, having a store of misandry.


Atheists have a ton of common cause with liberal theists. Atheists who are hectoring you about liking a theist presidential candidate probably think all theists are fundamentalists.


The guy has a brain, which would be a sold improvement over current status. The problem I have with him, Beto and other candidates that have not really outlined their policy statements, it's nice to hear very abstract terms about our democracy, but we need to hear where they stand on multiple domestic and international issues.

cava Level 7 Apr 9, 2019

That's actually what I like about him. I do not approve of the this way or nothing attitude. I want someone who realizes we need to deal with climate change, and supports basic human dignity. The details will always change. A good leader should see the problems and deal with them in the best way possible with the people and resources available. He strikes me as someone who will work to win people over and actually try to address the issues.

Also any candidate who gives up all their policies right away just gets dragged and picked apart for the remainder. It's not a winning strategy.

Agreed, and well before the general, Buttegieg will have to flesh out his policy positions. However what he has discussed appears well considered. I see a little bit of incrementalism creeping in around the edges because he's trying to attract independent and GOP voters -- for example he wants to maintain some vaguely-defined role for private sector health insurance, apparently via a basic Medicare-for-all coverage that would need to be supplemented with private insurance. I don't agree with that. Still, if it came down to Trump vs Buttegieg, I would have to hold my nose far less than I did for Clinton.

I like Bernie better at the moment but he's going to have to quit stalling about releasing his tax returns, or he's going to lose me. WTF is up with that, anyway?

@MsAl I don't know, Bernie and Warren have outlined their positions pretty extensively. So what do these other candidates bring to the table aside from the DCN platform. Right now, until the debates start it's pretty much a name recognition contest.

@mordant It may have something to do with his wife's issues (as trustee of a college) in VT, that's a guess

@cava That was my guess until tonight; now I'm picking up stories that the problem is his net worth is high; apparently it is north of $1 million because of recent book royalties.

Personally I have no issue with this. A net worth of $1 million doesn't mean very much anymore. But of course it allows you to technically be termed a millionaire and if you're a populist, a man of the people, a regular guy, in some people's minds that sort of ruins it.

Still, the way to deal with such issues is to get it into the open early and confront it directly. For that matter, that's the way you deal with your wife being in over her head running a college, or maybe klutzing her way into illegal territory. Delaying further at this point, whatever the reason, is just going to do damage.


I'm from Indiana and anything that's not Mike Pence I'm all for. Honestly though Buttigieg has zero shot at winning even Indiana if he runs for president. Indiana isn't called the middle finger of the South for no reason. South Bend is not the consensus for Indiana politics. Want a better microcosm for Indiana check out who Terre Haute votes for. There are liberal Meccas in Indiana such as Bloomington and the other college towns but don't get Indiana confused with progressive ideology. Reasons he won't win even Indiana.

  1. He's gay
  2. He's liberal
  3. He's young

Those qualities would work in bigger markets and that's why big market news agencies are giving him a platform. Think about Indiana for just a second. We have the highest percentage of kkk member in the US. We willingly elected Trump and (Pence twice). We didn't care that Bob Knight abused his players. We have the schied diesel extravaganza. I personally would enjoy seeing Buttigieg in Congress first before he went straight for the presidency. Indiana isn't ready for that.

I think you would be surprised at the number of liberals and gays out there that might get out and vote. The Klan members will vote for Trump regardless. This gay liberal is also a veteran and very Christian, and willing to own those qualities. It takes steam away from some of Trumps base. I think he could do it.


Not sure if it could actually happen but I want him to beat Trump and Pence so bad. I want them to loose looking foolish to the very nice and good looking gay guy with his handsome husband and their shelter dog.

MsAl Level 8 Apr 9, 2019

I like what I've seen so far. If he doesn't craft policy based on superstitions, I'm fine with him. Jimmy Carter was a good example of a religious man who didn't use his office to force his beliefs on others.

JimG Level 8 Apr 9, 2019

From what I've seen he mostly uses it to point out the hypocrisies in how the Republicans use it. I don't think there are many other gay men in the world that could do this well. He is using their own weapon against them to defend himself.


Argh. I don't care what stripe of whatever religion someone is, I don't want them making policy from a religious angle, no matter how good it sounds.

1of5 Level 8 Apr 9, 2019

That is usually how I feel, but I'm thinking it is the most effective way to further destroy the family values aspect of the Republican party. Their religious rhetoric is very effective and I think it takes another religious person to take them down. I don't like the military either. I think his status as a veteran is the other thing that makes him the perfect weapon against Trump.

@MsAl what he's doing should be being done by religious leaders, not political ones, and some are actually doing that. This is a religious issue and it should remain one.

When religion and politics are blended together both come out worse off. If we tie liberal ideas to religion what's been accomplished, except to strengthen that religions hold on the government - like the current GOP is so handily demonstrating.


I am liking what I hear him saying .,.,.. a lot.

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