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We Shall Thank Our "Fumbling Fathers" for Creating a Country with a System that Produced trump. At Least Germany could Say.... hitler was Austrian after all. And Germany not claiming trump's father either!!!!

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Apr 12

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I do not think further undermining of our system, by saying "fumbling fathers" is productive or useful right now! Why would you do that?


They couldn't predict the future and knew it. One of the tyrannies they were worried about was the tyranny of the past (can't recall who said it). That's why the document is changable to begin with. They didn't think themselves or their system perfect - and we shouldn't either. This reverance we have for the words of the constitution have replaced the reverence we should have for the spirit and ideals trying to be expressed in the document.

That said, fuck this screwed up system that gave us trump.

1of5 Level 8 Apr 12, 2019

Yes, Hitler was Austrian and in our country Arnold cannot run for president.

Didn't we had Enough with ronald reagan?

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