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As long as people in the USA are willing to let political leaders tell them who their enemies are, there will always be wars. If you accept the premise that some other nation, en masse, is your enemy, you are falling for a lie that has been used over and over again, and quite successfully throughout history, by political leaders, and the media, to move those they consider pawns, to fight and die against an imagined enemy, when in fact, the real enemies are sitting in the comfort of their palaces, in luxury, safe and sound, hiding in their cowardly retreat, while the poor fight and die. There are two levels of dehumanization at work here. When the political leaders sell war against another nation, they are dehumanizing the other nation, en masse. Then the political leaders dehumanization of their own people . . . . . they place the value of THEIR life over the value of the lives of the people they consider to be nothing more than cannon fodder. When people come to understand this, it will be all over for these warmongers.

THHA 7 Apr 13

Enjoy being online again!

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The military industrial machine has to be fed.It is always hungry

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