Happy Birthday to Christopher Hitchens! A brilliant orator who I wish I had met in life. Who has influenced you on your religious/non-religious journey?
My thoughts were the most influential in my path in atheism. Since I was very young I realized that god and Jesus and all the stories about region made no sense. Why would a powerful and mercy god make us born in seen and then let his son die so that we can be saved??? Not possible was my answer when my mother told me this story. After that all that I've studied about Church History in College. After my thoughts and after college... later in my life I knew Hitches and loved all his words and bought his books, of course.
Happy Birthday Hitch!
Truly one of my most memorable and influential teachers in this path!
Mostly my gay athiest German professor friend for life, but Hitchens, Dawkins, Dennett, Einstein, Shelley, Schopenauer, Sartre, Kafka, Hesse, Nietzsche, Paine.
I would add David Hume to that list.
Carl Sagan
George Orwell
Richard Dawkins
There were others, historians, but those for me were the big three.
Carl Sagan is awesome! I’m glad there are YouTube videos with Cosmos episodes and compilations. His voice of reason is amazing.
I am celebrating his birthday by having some drinks and watching many many YouTube or (metube) as he said in a speech ? of him. Such a wonderful human I would have loved to of met him.