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I don't have a pet rabbit , but if I did I would expect to find it in a pot of boiling water in my kitchen. Cant wait for this movie to end. 20 points if you have any clue what I am talking about!

Bigwavedave 8 Apr 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Had no idea what BPD was ..until I experienced it… She actually owned that movie - and we watched it on a rainy Sunday.. I do remember my (BPD afflicted) lover whence after I told the guy to ‘just kill her.’ Memories 😕

Varn Level 8 Apr 14, 2019

Glenn Close was so terrifying.

You aren't in a situation like that, are you?

@buftonbeotch. Yea I think you know what it is. Except there was no affair , just a crazy stalker


No idea, but it sounds sick, warped, and sadistic. Things like that continue to brainwash the masses that it’s ok to be hateful and cruel to our fellow Earthlings.

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