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My path to atheism definitely took awhile. Initially it was non confirmed one and I fell back to religion. Just like every single religion I explored. Then came Minimalism. So I decided to declutter my religion and my altar. It kindda worked abit. Then I went into Christianity from Hinduism. Both were hard to give up but Hinduism was easier to give up and Christianity was harder. I finally somehow managed to come to an "enlightening" understanding. In layman's term, just made sense of it all and managed to be able and convinced to leave all for good

DiVi1982dooropen 2 Apr 16

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I credit bible study and even other so called sacred writings as helping me see that it's just not true. It doesn't matte which holy book you use, it's all just not true.

Thats exactly where I'm at.the bible is a story with a few major mistruths.therefor not true.


Many people seem to approach religion like they're trying on shoes, looking for the one that fits best. That, in and of itself, is a clue that religion is just made up bullshit. The inerrant word of a supreme being or a philosophy of wisdom and truth wouldn't be something that comes in a variety of choices to suit all tastes.

"Hey, don't like Xianity, never mind, we have Islam! You say Allah doesn't do it for you? No problem! Try something in a Zoroastrianism, or Shinto, or Wicca! We're fully stocked with all the most popular faiths and your salvation is guaranteed or your money back!"

That's religion. It's ALL shit. Welcome to reason.

I think most people are assigned a religion at birth and forced to believe all of it until we hopefully wake up to the nonsense that ALL of it is


Once you found out and understood the lies, myths and propaganda of one religion, why did you decide to try a similar poison further?

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