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How fear of communism and fans of Hitler helped to create Billy Graham.


Angelface 7 Mar 6

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Can't stand him and sick of him being in the news.


This a must read article!! I personally never liked the guy but this quote is telling.

  • In 1981 Graham exhorted Moral Majority leader Jerry Falwell: “I want to preserve the purity of the Gospel and the freedom of religion in America. I don’t want to see religious bigotry in any form…. it would disturb me if there was a wedding between the religious fundamentalists and the political right. The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it.”

I think he knew on some level he was being played and just did not care, he believed he had the answers. This also goes to show how important the media is in forming the thoughts of the sheeple and they refuse to read or get educated outside their little box.
Read more at []

Graham was an antisemite, antiblack, pretty much anti everyone nonwhite or non-Christian. He looked at women thru a lens of biblical teaching. They were either mothers or whores.


Both pretty bad honestly. But we still took fear to whole new crazy level.


As we speak china has made the transition from communism to fascism [ the marriage of the state [army] to the corporation]


Excellent article. I particularly liked this, "What happened to him happened to the evangelical tribe as a whole. From the church’s point of view, this was God’s doing, and it was glorious. But the unvarnished truth is that both Graham and the subculture he represented were pawns in a larger political game, a game benefitting pockets much deeper than his adoring fans understood."

so many good points as to how we got here.


Good article thanks!


Excellent read. Thanks!


Right there with you Angel...I detested him and likewise his son Franklin, who is even more loathsome.


Now all we have to fear is orangeman!!!

And his little Pence, too!

@KKGator Thank you for a good chuckle!

@Angelface I do what I can! 😉

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