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Think for yourself and question authority...any of you take this advice to heart?

polyananda 5 Mar 6

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I drive most people crazy because I never outgrew the WHY? stage of development.


I have in the past couple of decades, not so much earlier in life. I was raised on the notion that if you were a good boy everything would pretty much work out for you. Boy was THAT wrong. Also, that you can trust your parents, mentors, teachers, role models, authority figures, etc to know WTF they are doing. Boy was THAT wrong.

Now the problem is that I'm not infallible either so I'm not really mad at those people for failing me, but fail me they did. I was operating for the first quarter century of my existence on the seemingly reaonsable notion that the people who were raising, nurturing and mentoring me had at least half a clue, and certainly more than me. At least I was right that they loved me, there's that. But they didn't teach me about how to function in the Real World, or how the Real World worked, or how reality works. At. All.


Always question authority never stop thinkin for


All my life. But here's the beauty of "think for yourself". Even if you do, someone stills thinks you're just towing the line

Not here pal us Scots take no shit and think for ourselves well bout half of us do the rest are sheep

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