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So what should an atheist do if being sworn in for a testimony in court? The swearing in question has "...nothing but the truth, so help you God." Can you say,"Yes, I'll tell the truth, but I don't believe in God."?

linxminx 8 Apr 19

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I go to court with my clients every week. I see the swearing in every time. I always thought it was swearing to God. But... Now I understand that it is swearing or affirming. Swearing to God... or affirming to truth if not religious.


They need to change it from the book of lies to the dictionary a book of knowledge. Omit the deity part and add to On my freedom.


I believe you have the right to ask for a secular swearing in question that does not mention any god. Maybe Google knows????


I think that you can affirm that you are telling the truth.
Certainly can in the UK, probably varies by state here.

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