THEIR GOD HAS A tendency to pick on the underprivileged. I think they make up shit about god as they go along. They all seem to know him and keep him in their pockets...Now...i he an ALIEN god? Or is he an Amerikkkan god??? Funny isn't it, how all these MEN...are AFRAID of Gays...and they are the very people who are caught going after young boys on the internet, in churches, summer camps, pools, beaches...DRESSING ROOMS!!! MOST LIKELY...because SOMEWHERE in their life...a gay somebody turned them down for sexual encounters...because they had standards...LOL.'s true.
Well 'course A'merkin Jeezuz is a rich 'n' white an' stray-at, repubelickin' did y'all not know that?!!!
People are f-cked up
The human comedy!..