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So Putin is not really that different from Trump.
Instead of MAGA it's MRGA and organise fake support to massage a fragile ego.

Moravian 8 Apr 21

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Without doing the link.. I’d agree. trump had it given to him, thus never had to struggle. putin didn’t, so he competed. trump’s definitely a narcissist.. As for putin, I’m not sure; he makes me sick, though. I’d say it’s as much the development of yet another ‘Russian Tzar’ ..and the nearly religious iconography that goes with it that putin’s promoting.

Varn Level 8 Apr 21, 2019

Putin makes you sick, Why ?

@Moravian KGB ~

@Varn The KGB is defunct. The CIA worries much more.

@Moravian putin is what the KGB has morphed into. The CIA is on ‘my side,’ I trust them. I don’t trust, or like putin. putin gave us trump - need I say more?

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