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Have you ever witness any further extreme cults? We all know Christianity is a form of cult. But, a cult to a point to where you scratch your head in utter disbelief or confusion? Where it goes beyond of a belief of an average church goer.

Rammy 4 Mar 7

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Yeah, as a former Happy Clapper, Pentecostals are pretty culty


Well you could regard those who have the willfully ignorant beleifs in a flat earth and NASA is all fake mentality as adhering to a cult. The ones that are not just trolling to create mischief that is.


In India there are many such cults


No but theres another crazy thing that humans do called tradition which seams to allow people to do what they want especially to animals. all cruelty laws go out the window it seams. the obvious one is bull fighting but there are many more.


Scientology Mormonism need I go on


Pentecostals. by far. it's like some voodoo movie scene from a james bond flick.

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