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Hey @Admin and @developer - I really miss the ability to paste by using my mouse.
UPDATE@Admin @developer **11:15 pm EST I can paste in a reply but not in an Original Post. **

And I miss my alerts.

Could you bring those back? (I maybe had 10 alerts today versus the usual of about 150 alerts or more in a day).

And maybe alphabetize the block lists.
I mean while you're in there.

Here's a cat....

And you know we noticed the upgrades to spell check - and that's pretty cool.

RavenCT 9 Apr 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I agree. I like to type out my comments in a Word document where I can edit better - and it has Spell Check! Then I cut and paste into's reply to a post.

Also, I keep a document filed on my computer of quotes I like from famous people. I like to cut and paste for a reply here.

You can use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V as Copy and Paste - but It's light years from mouse commands. 😉

I can't tell you how often I mess up when I do it that way.

@TCorCM I think my plea was heard - I was just able to mouse click and paste here. Phew!

Just regular old paste. I hope it stays fixed. I do a lot of moving text around (doesn't everyone) and it's crippling when you can't just lift it easily!).

Yup just did it again. Fingers crossed!

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