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Think I turned off my alerts, that, or I got bounced from hearing from everybody....haven't had any alerts come in for two days, and sunday couldn't get the site to come up. Just kept getting "this site un-available" . Hello out there!!!!.......

HankSherman 8 Apr 23

Enjoy being online again!

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It's making it damned hard to be active on this site.

Thought about crying myself to sleep, but it's only around three in the afternoon , and I still have pills to take and breathing medicene to take, Don't they know they're messing with my life!!!??? (alittle less)


There is a sister site that mirrors, It went down at the same time. I wonder if some on this site actually joined Humanist .com but their posts show here. I never hear anyone mention Humanist .com only Agnostic.

So glad to hear from everyone....was afraid I'd died and no one could see ( almost)


Same here. I hope it gets back to normal soon.

Me also, started withdrawal symtoms. Not funny

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