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'The Good Fight' promotes violence. This is unacceptable.

JacarC 8 Apr 23

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I think justice systems can't, often don't want to, redress the unfairness in society. I'm thinking of everything from physical violence being punished while mental violence goes unpunished all the way up to violent rebellion in response to oppression. Humans are not yet capable of resolving everything peacefully.


This literary sounds like North Korean anti-wester propaganda. People can't think for themselves, everyone is a slave to a socially engineered reality designed to maximize votes at the expense of citizens sanity, and emotions run rampant over logic and reason.

Democracy is sick... who will pick up the pieces if it falls apart?


I find it perfectly acceptable. Violence is a time honored method of suppressing unacceptable behaviors.

You understand that you are fighting for the removal of free speech don't you?

@Happy_Killbot free speech is a governmental issue. You have the right to say what ever you want, and face the repercussions of those words.

@dellik Alright, so if I say "your ideas are dumb, because you are an inferior person, and you shouldn't be allowed to talk either" or something of that nature that effectively silences a group or individual, should there be repercussions?

No laws are violated by that statement in the US, and in the country stuff like this happens all the time. People cower in fear when someone says something they don't agree with.

However, if the government is allowed to censor your speech then they could for example, prevent the phrase, "I don't want to vote for candidate X because he supports an extremist viewpoint" because it could be interpreted as hate speech.

@Happy_Killbot which supports what I just said. A governmental issue. if a government attempts to use its authority to enforce speech, that is certainly an issue. but we arent talking about the government doing this, we are talking about individuals. individuals that believe assault charges are a acceptable price to pay to teach someone a object lesson. Life is a series of transactions. some feel this transaction is acceptable.

@Happy_Killbot its also strange that you say people 'cower in fear' when the topic at hand is people responding with violence.. having an issue keeping track of the subject?

@dellik when people are confronted with adversity they either fight or run. Its very relevant to this issue. If someone says something you disagree with and you shut up and hide, then your voice is under represented and the louder opinion wins by default. This effectively limits free speech.

@Happy_Killbot so... fighting limits free speech.. and not fighting limits free speech... Hmm. interesting conclusion.

@dellik assaulting someone because you disagree with them is a cowardly move. It just goes to show that whatever you are trying to say is so dumb that you have to resort to violence to prove a point.

@Happy_Killbot or it shows that some stances are so reprehensible as to be violently rebuked. the world fought a war over this, guess you missed it.

@dellik wars aren't necessary between rational actors, in case you missed the cold war.

@Happy_Killbot ... bwahahahahahaa. I leave defending the free speech of white supremacists to those so inclined. I'll continue to laugh every time I see the video of spencer getting cracked in the face, and hope that it continues to happens to him.

@dellik Except that getting punched validates what he's saying. That's the last thing he should have done, because now his bigoted worldview is justified by someone else's hand. I mean, don't get me wrong watching someone get punched is hilarious, but it isn't justified. As far as I am concerned, they are all a bunch of animals that need locked up in a nice comfy cell.

@Happy_Killbot Please explain why you believe him getting punched validates anything? Because it doesnt, it simply shows that there are consequences for spewing hate. as it should.

@dellik It makes him the good guy to put it softly. If he is getting attacked then he becomes a martyr, and that validates his claims that they are superior because they don't run around assaulting people. No one wants to live in a society where you get randomly assaulted, so unless you want to live in that world you should support him. That's how its validated.

@Happy_Killbot that requres a few absurd leaps of logic.

That being attacked makes you the good guy. It doesnt, nor is there any reason to feel that way.

That he was attacked randomly. He wasnt he was attacked as a direct response to his stated world view. as you said, no one wants to be attacked, so holding and espousing a world view that gets you (justifiably) attacked should be seen as a negative, not a protected positive.You have literally taken the opposite of a logical response. If you don't want to live in a world where you get spontaneously(again, nothing random about it) attacked, don't encourage hateful rhetoric.

@dellik I agree that this isn't a logical conclusion to make, It's not one made by rational people. Put yourself in the shoes of a white supremist and it will make sense immediately, however.

But how can you claim to have a just standpoint when you advocate that people should be assaulted for something they say? If you say "This is a really good steak!" is it justifiable then for a vegan to assault you, because in their eyes you are murdering innocent animals?


Edit: added link to militant vegan FB

@Happy_Killbot If the words I speak encourage violence, then I am literally asking for violence to be visited, the irony is it being visited on me, instead of the target of my speech. nothing more. The supremacists use violence as a weapon, counting on the enemy to refrain. I enjoy teaching them that a tool can be used by anyone willing to wield it.

@Happy_Killbot in your flawed example, the vegan would face the same legal repercussions that anyone committing assault would. I don't expect legal immunity for these actions, But sometimes breaking the law is the clearly correct choice.

@dellik Anyone who assaults anyone for any reason should be removed from society, It shouldn't matter what you are fighting for no one should be assaulting anyone. There are laws and procedures to change laws that are corrupt and unfair. These methods should be used in lieu of assaulting people on the street who say things you don't agree with. If people are so uncivilized that they can't have rational discussion, then there is nothing that separates us from animals and we can all expect to be treated as such.

@Happy_Killbot there is nothing that separates us from animals. The ironic lack of awareness in your statements leave me nearly out of breath from laughter. Your willful naivete and desire to protect those that actively encourage violence is patently absurd. =D have a good day sir, as far as I am concerned you have no point, much less a valid one. I have entertained this foolishness for as long as it amused, which it no longer does.

@dellik Mark my words, this will be the last century in which humans are the dominant force on this planet. The singularity is near!

@Happy_Killbot we can hope.

I initially thought that your first comment was ironic but it seems not. That's a bit disturbing.

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