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Snooker world championships taking over my home city. Love the game though.

BarryBobkins 4 Apr 24

Enjoy being online again!

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My father taught me to play - he was a good player, growing up playing Fred and Joe Davis who lived in the next village. He explained it to me as a game for gentlemen, where honour and fair play were paramount, which may explain why even now those interested in snooker act in a civilised manner. (PS Fred and Joe Davis both became international snooker stars)


I love Sheffield at this time of year - I'm not interested in snooker, but the enthusiasm for it in the city at this time of year is infectious, and a pub full of snooker fans is a far more pleasant place to be than a pub full of football fans when England are playing in the World Cup!

Jnei Level 8 Apr 24, 2019
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