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Anyone interested in helping Bernie get elected here is the link to the Organizing Kickoff Today. Watch and they will explain how we can actually change things not just another person elected. Try watching it before telling me how it can't be done please. Thanks

JesseBoren 7 Apr 27

Enjoy being online again!

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@JesseBoren why are you not in my "Bernie Sanders - The Revolution Continues" Group? You can be the 100th member!

Of course, I would join my favorite person's group. Just didn't see dear. I am now. thanks

I meant you not Bernie when I said favorite if it wasn't clear. 😉


Cool 😎like Bernie

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 28, 2019

I attended this at someone's home! Great moment!
However, I swear one of the 5 people there was a planted troll, he made the statement, "my vote doesn't count" to which I replied "HUH?" and was otherwise Very negative, plus didn't know the words "under Gawd" were added to the Pledge of Allegiance in my lifetime, plus when I suggested we look for a vacant storefront for a local headquarters (as we did last time), insisted it was a waste of time because "the Democrats will let us use their space". WTF? Anyone here else experience anything like this? It was Weird!

The entire system is designed to keep people like Bernie out of office so they may send out trolls or it could just be that millions of people have lost any hope the system can be changed, this is also by design. They know the people united can do anything they it's important to make people feel like they are powerless. The people are usually divided but Trump has created an opportunity to unite the people since now both sides are pissed off. The right has been pissed for a long time. The 2 sides just haven't realized they are pissed over the same things at the core. Bernie is someone who can unite them in their shared anger of the system. Most people don't know history so they don't realize that a window has opened that will allow for the change we all seek to happen. It will require a force so large they can't stop it because they will deploy all their resources to stop it and they have vast resources.


I went to his event in Chicago , I like that he speaks 2nd in this video. His message is consistent. I am also watching E.Warren. They are both intersting but I am leaning toward E. Warren.#neverthelessshe persisted

I really like Warren myself but she has shown a willingness to bend to the parties will so I have concerns she will not fight like Bernie. This fight is going to take someone that can't be bought off so you had better really trust them because that will be tested. I just do not trust anyone like I do Bernie.

@JesseBoren my hero's wear work boots I don't trust any of them.

@Tooreen Just because people work a regular job doesn't make them a hero, besides I never said anything about heroes. Who is the one really has idealistic views even though they are negative? I'm not looking for a hero to save me, I'm looking for someone to change the system, no one else has the movement behind them to do it, so anyone else that gets in will be doomed to fail no matter how much they want it or fight for it. A single person can't change things, not even if they are President. It will take millions demanding it, not a hero.

@JesseBoren reread your comment about warren and reinform yourself about negative bias

@Tooreen no human is free of bias

@JesseBoren Granted on bias, "just because "people working regular jobs actually keep's the whole system ticking ,if you listen to Bernie its this group who will bring about change. Negative idealism sounds like someone been tortured


Oh please! to elect this fool is to ensure our doom. He lived in mom's basement - jobless - untill his late 40s then some fools elected him into congress where he has co sponsered 2 bills neither of them passed!

You have no clue what you are talking about, stop listening to the establishment BS. He was a mayor before he went to Congress. His policies are supported by 80% of the public so it doesn't matter that a few people that enjoy the system that has made them so well off don't want a change but this country doesn't work for most of us. The policies of the 2 right winged parties we have now are a disaster for most Americans. You try to put another establishment sellout in there again like Biden and hand the election to Trump. The party is so stupid they don't understand they turned their backs on the people that put them in the office so they serve only their donors. At least the Republican party is smart enough to know they have to take on the social issues to create a base. the Dems only base is people that are afraid of the Republicans so they get people to vote for a lesser of 2 evils. Well, that isn't working for them, that's why they have lost over 1000 seats across this country. Letting the 1% make all the decisions is what is dooming this country and the world.

@JesseBoren Jesse you nailed that. I couldn't have said it any better.

Any American that supports this type of foolishness should go to venesalia and are traitors to these united states and useful idiots of the demorat left heil killery comrad

@Vintenar thank you

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