How many members on here are openly atheists in the bible belt? And are you treated differently?
How often does religious affiliation come up in daily convetrsation? I've never known or cared about a person's beliefs. No one ever questioned me about what I think.
@TheDoubter, more often than you would ever dream in some of these areas. Where do you go to church is the question. Not do you go to church
Hello. Recent “deconvert” here deep in the Bible Belt. Guess I’m still in the closet, but a few of my trusted friends know and are accepting. But I DO NOT bring it up; there is no reason to unless someone wants to have a legitimate conversation. It seems like literally 95% of the people here are theists. Honestly, I fear losing some of my closest friends, who are religious, if “come out.” It will eventually, I’m sure. But here in deep east Texas, there’s no reason to publicize it.