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So long and thanks for the fish.  @admin this isnt a post about more problems, or proposing more solutions.  I joined this site under another name, well over a year ago (i "earned" my tshirt but never actually got it. Thanks USPS?).  Lots of the issues youve seen in your senate group, with specific members, and with the "mob rule" group-think, high school attitude, were problems then.  That same set of problems was so apparent, in your recent post about uniting the members here.

Despite it all, i got exactly what i wanted out of this site- something i never knew i could have- a person i actually get along with, love being with, and who feels the same way about me.  i sure won the relationship lottery here.   This site forced me get out of my "just another dating site" rut, and look at things a new way, and thats the one thing i think this site really excels at, is creating open forums where people can share who they really are.   Getting away from the scripted profile and "getting to know you" ritual, was absolutely key.

Id highly recommend that format to any upcoming dating site, even though I also think it was just the need for a forum, any free and open and barely moderated forum,  that allowed my partner and i to meet.  The odds of winning the relationship lottery are dismal, but when it happens, it really happens.

This site serves many functions (look how many of the first wave of users are still around) but Im not sticking around for the obsessive screaming matches and flame throwing about whoever/whatever the next US election cycle has to "offer".  I thank you for having discussion forums avaialable, at the time i needed them, and giving me and my partner to be more than electrons in space.  I hope that can be recaptured for other people. Good luck.  

MarkiusMahamius 7 Apr 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Congrats on winning that lottery! Who'd have thunk, huh?


I've been trying to formulate what the forums did for me as opposed to a standard "profile mining" dating site.


1of5 Level 8 Apr 28, 2019
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