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Problems should be reported by going to the home page, clicking on the “Post” tab, writing your problem, then posting by choosing “Site and Customer Service” from the Category menu, then click on the “Submit Post” button at the bottom.

MissKathleen 9 Apr 29

Enjoy being online again!

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That's a wee bit more than you need to actually do. Just click on the "Post" Button - fill out what you want to post and select "Site & Customer Service". All done.

Alvin Level 5 Apr 30, 2019

Yes ma'am. Shall I bend over for a whipping now? 🤣😂 😀


Where is the "home" page?

@MissKathleen Okay, but when I'm already on the site, where's a link to that page?

Ignore the "technical" jargon. The general page that appears after you have logged on is called the "home page". It's the page from where you post all your comments unless you are actually commenting on a special interest group. eg. for food or music etc.

@MissKathleen Ah yes, THAT'S the answer I was looking for. Thank you.


In my experience, using that category resulted in not getting answers but community senate did.

Maybe it was their coffee break. 🤣😉😂

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