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This makes more sense than the video


A more likely reason for the jump in the rates of autism is the increase of drug and alcohol use by pregnant women. I'm NOT saying the all of the mothers of autistic children used drugs and/or alcohol while pregnant, but it is more common than one would hope.

Perhaps, drugs and alcohol used by men can cause abnormalities in sperm cells as well.

@Kojaksmom that is quite likely, but I don't know if it has been scientifically proven.

@LEPeff I think there is very little proof in the scientific Community about autism. Major Studies have been done, and they do find that environmental links and genetic links are to blame but that could be just about anything.

@Kojaksmom autism is so broadly defined now. I think as our knowledge increases we will discover that what we are calling autism is several distinct disorders.

@LEPeff perhaps you're right, that does make sense.


The heavier link to autism is that people are getting older and older and still breeding. Instead of looking at autism let's look at measles, it's becoming an epidemic again.


What a load of shit.

Please do tell why you believe this is false information?

@Ravenwolfcasey the whole autism being caused by vaccines garbage has been debunked for years. The rising Autism rates are concerning, but part of the issue there is the fact that the definition of autism has been greatly broadened over the last 15 years. People refusing to vaccinate their children has resulted terrible diseases returning to the population. Vaccines are a good thing.

@LEPeff you are brainwashed my friend

@Ravenwolfcasey this says it better than I can.

@Ravenwolfcasey perhaps it is you ravenwolf who is brainwashed. The quotes refer to scientific proof "measles cases progresses to acute encephalitis, which often results in permanent brain damage. One or two out of every 1,000 children who become infected with measles will die from respiratory and neurological complications." Pick your poison carefully. It's my belief that you are not anti-vaccination as much as you are pro infectious highly contagious diseases.

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