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Talk about 'Male' privilege... There's been a lot of stories lately about Trans Women competing in women sporting events and dominating, for obvious reasons. How do you feel about it?
Should this be allowed?

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Captain_Feelgood 8 May 3

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Men are superior to women when it comes to athletic ability so that gives the Trans women an advantage.

Wouldn't it depend on how much they have physically transitioned? Without a lot of T they are going to lose at least some muscle.


I would rather see events where ALL people compete together-as in marathons. Then it can be noted the first in each category.

For sporting events that go by weight limit (boxing, wrestling, etc) do you think it would be fair to women considering the physiological make up differences between men and women? Seeing as the typical male is so much stronger in muscular make up, larger bone structure, etc,,, studies have shown that males are at a great advantage in sports such as those.

@Captain_Feelgood I think that in many sports there is a way to classify that gender would not have to be the determinate. I would like to see men and women compete in some sports as in boxing, before ruling it out. I went through the 70's and women were given little credit for skill/qualification. They were ruled out for many industies-ie construction, later proving that they were quite capable.

@think-freely You'd like to see a 150 lb women boxer fight a 150 lb male boxer?

@Captain_Feelgood Yes, I would be open to it.

@think-freely Haaahaha.... Wow... okay..

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