Daily Blasphemy: America is a “christian nation”? My goddamned ass, it is. You’ll agree, the litmus test for being a christian nation is whether it actually follows Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them…and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” And, happily, America misses that mark by a red-state country mile. The first part of this litmus test is whether you find christ anywhere in the U.S. Constitution. Nope, no christ there. Only a meaty separation of church and state. But surely if America had a second shot at writing a constitution, they’d put the Almighty in that one, right? Especially if it was written for a for another country, a la Matthew 28:19? But check the Japanese Constitution, written by McArthur’s staff after WWII, for that ever-elusive savior. No sign of Jeebus there, either. Just a bunch freedom from religion stuff…from folks who saw the clear link between Shinto piety and military genocide. But if we had a third shot at writing someone’s constitution, I dunno, say Iraq’s? Surely, we’d throw a bone to that sorry Son of a Bitch, inflicting the boring-assed gospel on the muslim world? Nope. Turns out even the U.S. military--under George W. Bush no less--drops jesus like a hot rock when it comes to good government. It’s almost like the U.S. military knows something that christian America doesn’t: that christ is worthless where actual problem-solving is required….
Luckily for us, Atheism is on the rise. 23.1% of Americans now describe themselves as "not religious", "not affiliated", or "atheist". That's more than catholics and jews combined.
America is obsessed with Christianity. The disestablishment is irrelevant. In the US it would be political suicide for any Presidential candidate to declare himself an atheist.
Paradoxically in the UK where the church is established, it would be political suicide to be overtly religious.
What makes me giggle is when people complain Christianity is under attack when over 90% of US congress are people who are self declared Christians.