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Hijab is to protect a man's property

Snert 4 May 4

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Why don't we, women, mandate men's clothing? What are the holly recommendations for men? Oh, fuck off...

zesty Level 7 May 5, 2019

This is not true. I am sick of putting this here. The Q'ran simply suggests modesty, as does the NT and OT. Yes they were sexist and up until the 1880s in UK, women and their property were literally the man's property. Veils in middle eastern countries, were originally a sign of status. High status women, were protected and kept covered. They were defintely property and not expected to be visible to anyone. They did not work (or have to) so their skin lightened and this was a sign of status. Consequently they were protected from the sun. In China the same was achieved by binding feet and in some African countries, by elongating women's necks. All religions require head covering and the rules in Islam regarding dress are equally as stringent for men as women. The VAST majority of Muslim women in the world wear a veil because they choose to. I know Muslim men (tons) who do not care for full face covering and there are groups of Muslim men here in UK who oppose it. I live around 100s of Muslim people and as a child loved seeing the beautiful clothes, which on the backdrop of 1970s Northern England was a wonder to behold.
It is right to question a person's interpretation of ancient texts if it moves them to the point where they will hurt others, but leave the hijab alone. []

In addition to this, veils are cultural. In India, lots of muslim women do not wear anything, same in Eastern EU countries. Its important to understand this. In addition, here in NW England, right up until recently, all women wore headscarves.

Here we go...oppressed Northern wonen!

Quran does not suggest modesty. This trash book mandates women's oppression! Shove it up the mullahs ass!

@zesty Have you read it?

@zesty In the Quran, God says, “And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms…” (24:31).

@zesty 1 Timothy 2:8-10 ESV / 166
I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling; likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works.

@Amisja I don't spend my valuable time reading garbage like holly books. More importantly, I definitely don't let dirty, small dick, insecure pedofiles, like Mohammed, tell me how to behave. I like to display my sexy body, turn men on and have sex with the guy or guys of my choice. Love to receive and give pleasure. However, I don't dictate other people how to behave. Any questions?

@zesty Thats up to you. This isn't about you. Your ignorance on the subject is virtually infantile. I am not a Muslim, however each and every Muslim brother and sister I know is a peace loving Brit. Most of my Muslim friends do not wear veils. However it is a piece of cloth. It represents their religion and is NOT a threat to you.

@Amisja Their existence is the biggest problem for the civilized world.

@zesty That is out and out racism!

@Amisja Muslims are not a race. It is a terrible way of life and a mental disorder. They could always forget this BS and become civilized.

@zesty wow...I just can't anymore.

  1. What is Muslims?
  2. Islam is the religion
  3. You have not read nor studied Islamic text
  4. As a religion it is based on ever so slightly more evidence than Christianity (Mohammed existed)
  5. Mohammed was actually keen to empower women, one of his first edicts is that all people should be educated and that women should read.
  6. The evidence that Mohammed married a child is questionable, however this was a common way to protect an orphan in those times. She was certainly young but most scholars suggest she was not 6 (probably 6 when they met)
  7. Marriage in the middle east and EU in those times was virtually never about sex or love, especially amongst the powerful.
  8. The spelling is paedophile. I will accept the American spelling of pedophile but whatever word you used is beyond ignorant.
  9. The spelling is 'holy'. Holly refers to an evergreen tree popular at Christmas.
  10. You hate people based on their religion is racism. You are a racist!
  11. You base this hate on nothing more than right wing news outlets, bent on creating division.
  12. You do need to meet and get to know people outside of your own small silo. The world is a beautiful rich (not pennies) place and the majority of humans are good.
    Your lifestyle is your own matter and has no bearing on this discussion. I could walk out of my door and quickly bump into lots of Muslim people. They are always kind and generous. We are coming up on Eid, the families will all come out dressed in their finery and they will bring food to all their neighbours and wish everyone peace, āssālam 'alaykum sister. You are dead wrong. Every faith has bad apples (there have been a few bad atheists!) But you should judge them on the majority not the few. I urge you, visit a mosque on the next open day (one near me has open days most months). Please go and see for yourself.

A headscarf, hijab, burqua or chastity belt do not prevent a woman looking at a man and thinking to herself 'I could fancy that' any more than a mans' clothing prevents him thinking of women he sees, What determines any action is social values and the influence they exert on personal choice.
While infidelity may be generally frowned on in western society (exempting France where it is a national hobby) it does not hold the possibility of being stoned to death, as is the case in some parts of the world. I have no problem with a woman wearing a face or head covering if that makes her feel more comfortable in a social setting... but am saddened that the choice may be due to pressure from a male dominated society and the draconian penalties that may be incurred.

Wow sweeping statement regarding France....

@Amisja I worked in France for a few months - seemed quite prevalent to me and as they say - when in Rome!!!

@ShadowAmicus Really? This is not my experience.

@Amisja Maybe I extrapolated from my experience around Blois and the rest of the country abstain - sorry

@ShadowAmicus I think the French (and other me) are more forgiving of human frailty. In 52 years one thing I know for certain is that humans have sex and sometimes not with the people they are meant to.

@Amisja Not a frailty - just normal behaviour - if you enjoy it, just do it - consenting adults and all that

@ShadowAmicus Not if you make a promise to be faithful. If the other person is ok with it, then fine but not if they fundamentally disagree.


What protects the wearer from the man that forces a woman to wear any of these items.?
As far as I can learn, nowhere in the teachings is it written a woman MUST wear these items.
It is insecure jealous men that forces this upon women.
It is the same logic that says a man who is a giver ( penetrating) is not considered homosexual whereas the man being penetrative is..
Did the Prophet make his 9 yo bride wear anything?

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