Our deranged POTUS is now considering, in jest I hope, asking for an additional TWO YEAR EXTENTION to his reign b/c he claims BOTH to have had the MOST SUCCESSFUL two years of any President in history AND to have had his first two years shamefully stolen by the Russian WITCH HUNT, so he wants "REPARATIONS"! AAAARGH! Which is it, dude? I know that you and your whole admin live in an alternative universe with alternative facts where things like logic don't apply, but really? (And THANKS so much, Jerry Falwell for planting this little gem in his tiny brain..
Sure he can hang out in front of the white house for an extra 2 years after we execute him for treason.
It's another distraction, because it would never happen as it's not constitutional, besides many people like Cohen, have gone to jail or plead guilty from the Mueller investigations (http://time.com/5556331/mueller-investigation-indictments-guilty-pleas/) . If he thinks he deserves more time, he better get in line. As Barack Obama and Bill Clinton have more of a right to extra time for the Benghazi and Whitewater investigations which turned up nothing, especially when compared with Mueller .
I like that you included it may have been said in jest. I'm no supporter, but the idea of it being jest, and said at his rally style meanderings hit my mind. This was while facebook stories report it as news and his official opinion. One storyline would make me incensed and lose hope...and one storyline makes me just shake my head at a rambling, grandstander. I much prefer to not lose all hope.
It just brought my mind to the idea of context in reporting (or headline grabbers), and how media are presenting stuff that might have as much thought behind it as crap that comes out of Kanye, as newsworthy and to be rallied against. I did get a little ruffled when the story came to me through the fb feed first, and now, I'm almost as pissed at the news as trump. 🥴