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why can't a seated president be indicted?

michaelj 7 May 7

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Justice departments reasoning at the link.


1of5 Level 8 May 7, 2019

Not sure. Indicted I think is like accused, not the same as convicted or impeached. Also not sure the political environment at the time this became the thing.


I think partially it is a security reason...if the head of the country is too busy in court then the attention is not on the country...we would, in effect, have no leader...

oh wait...I just realized what I said would apply under "normal" circumstances...nothing is normal about this administration...

Clinton did his job while being impeached. We also have a Vice President for emergencies.

@Sticks48 Impeached vs. indicted...and the current VP is even more of a total dick...

@thinktwice Her is a dick, but he could never create the fervor from the Republican base Trump can. He would also be the most lame duck President we have ever had. There is still no law saying he can't be indicted. Article ll states clearly the President is as accountable as any citizen. How are you doing? 🙂

@Sticks48 I know there is no law...I find it crazy that people can accept a criminal as the leader of our country...I hope Mueller testifies..the report was so depressing to read...

@thinktwice I am not very optimistic at this point.




You can impale them too,. But they gotta be bent over!


What about a standing President?


Potus can be indicted... Except in times of war... I think... Not sure...

When is a better time to "induct" the president but in times of war... Other than he's already commander in chief haha

@lerlo lol thanks for pointing out my typo you grammer nazi... Only kidding 😊

@Cutiebeauty well it's only fun if you can make something out of it. You just happened to pick a word I could use cute one 😆


It's not a can't. It's the fact that a justice department opinion said he can't. And, since it would be the justice department that has to do it, it ends up being a can't. The interpretation of the Constitution is that impeachment is the only remedy.

lerlo Level 8 May 7, 2019

My question exactly. Their is no law protecting a sitting President from being indicted. Our democracy is being threatened in so many ways. If most Americans think this is impossible, it shows and unbelievable level of arrogance and ignorance.

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