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“To judge from the notions expounded by theologians, one must conclude that God created most men simply with a view to crowding hell.” - Marquis de Sade

THHA 7 May 7

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It's simple really: God created Humans, though imperfect, and then he created sins, and was astonished and angry and vengeful that these things were attracted to each other, because he was an omnipotent and omniscient Being who couldn't possibly have known that this would happen.

Like I said, simple really


He knew where the party was at !! LOL


Consider the source .


I concur with this assessment. When jebus said he would return within the lifetime of those living at the time, there were at most a few million people on the planet with most going to hell. Now there are 7+ billion people on the planet with most going to hell and jebus still has not returned.

He returned within three days .

@Cast1es So the story goes. However, that was before he said he would return within the lifetime of those living at the time.


What a card he was!!!


DeSade and the pustular president would have been great friends!

Am thinking tRump would have thought DeSade was too PC.

@HankSherman Maybe...but the pustule would be fascinated by his depravity!

@LucyLoohoo good word, no doubt, would be his dream world.

@HankSherman I've thought that he probably seeks the company and admiration of criminals because he wants to acquire their skills.

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