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I have a theory of knowledge that I'd like to share and get some honest critique on. I think that knowledge is derived from the physical world through our senses. This raw data is then interpreted and made sense of using logic. The knowledge we gain and our logical interpretations of said knowledge result in an intellectual model of the world around us. However, this model will likely be flawed due to the limitations of our senses and the biases in our logic. Therefore, it is necessary to keep experiencing new things and challenging our beliefs to keep our models as up to date as possible.

ShadowRaptor 5 Nov 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Sorry but this theory, that all knowledge derives from expirience is from Rene Descartes a few hundred years before you were born and a bit more well formulated.

THOTH Level 4 Nov 12, 2017

You are headed in the right direction. Read the works of Jean Piaget -- the greatest cognitive psychologist ever. As our brains develop, we create schema or patterns of action to collect and interpret inputs from our environment. The, from those datas we develop patterns of meaning or cognitive structures and links between the structures. The more the links, the more intelligent we become.


You are basicly describing the scientific method. I can thoroughly agree with your description.

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