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Ok I'm 22 points from Level 5.
Today is my 49th Birthday 🎉🎂
I haven't been laid in a year. 💃
Help me get to a goal!
( Level 5 is fine) 😆

august70 5 May 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Now, about that sex thing 😉


Only 1 year? No woman has even given me a hug in over 5 years.


Thank you everyone for putting a smile on my face and reaching one of my goals. It was a great day because of you!
Had a awesome lobster roll to end the day!


Happy Birthday! 🎂


Happy birthday ! A year ? Try two ! Man , I wish u better sex life than mine 😂😂😂😂

You have no sec life. What the hell is a sec life? 🙂

@Sticks48 oh hell sticks ! I ment " sex " life 😂😂😂 will edit ! Just for u ! Asshole 😂

@Pralina1 Then I will have to delete mine or it won't make sense, bitch. 🙂

@Sticks48 sticks . Nothing u ever say makes sense sir . What's new and y changing now. Mother !

@Pralina1 Yeah, you're probably right. I'm too old to start making sense.

@Sticks48 oh gods sticks ! U give up now ??? Chicken !!!!!!!!! Ok ! Fine . Peace 😍

@Pralina1 Piece! 😉


I’ll help you with Level 5. The getting laid are on your own for that one


Oh c’mon we’ve all been getting fucked for the past 2 1/2 years but I still wish you a happy B-day!

Feels more like rape!


From one point whore to another happy birthday


🤩🤩🍧🎂🎂🍻Happy Birthday🍧🍨🍭


Hmm..if you plan to start messaging women on this forum and asking them out on coffee dates (your treat, of course), be sure NOT to mention getting laid as your goal.

Women like to think men are interested in them because of who they are, and for having common interests instead of men just wanting to seduce them asap for their own pleasure.

Since neither of us know each other it's difficult for a person to understand another person's intentions. So let me say this, my post was of blissful fun humor with no other intent then to draw attention to the fact that I needed a couple points to achieve a milestone and that it would be kind of cool that it happened on today which is my birthday.
The "GETTING LAID" part was a funny poke at myself.
It's unfortunate that you've interpreted it as me trying to start a mating ritual on here. If I wished to initiate a romantic conversation with a person on here, I would have more respect for myself and them to throw it out into a public forum.


And an extra point on me.


Yeah, I can only help with one of those (although I can give you the address of some "Oriental Health Spas" if that will help at all).

Thanks but I want to be around next year at this time




I'll always help out a points whore.

1of5 Level 8 May 9, 2019
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