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Any Wes Anderson fans? My favorite is Moonrise Kingdom. What’s yours?

Greysdad 4 Mar 9

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Wes is the family poet laureate. Rushmore was brilliant. Royal Tennenbaums is my personal favorite; Life Aquatic, a close second. Loved Grand Budapest and Moonrise Kingdom, although the letter unraveled too much for even me at the denouement. Darjeeling Limited had some pretty fabulous segments.

Wes is a national treasure.


Always a fun escape.


Moonrise kingdom - this movie is an absolute masterpiece. One of these creations, defining moviemaking as a form of high art.


Grand Budapest


Ohh, definitely a tie between 'The Fantastic Mr. Fox' and 'Moonrise Kingdom'


I really liked The Royal Tenenbaums but i haven't seen it in forever. The Life Aquatic would probably have to be my second fave.


Yes, I also have a special place in my heart for Moonrise Kingdom. But I especially dig great animated movies. So I give a slight nod to Fantastic Mr. Fox...loaded with on the fly humor. What a ride !


I like Life Aquatic because it introduced me to Sigur Rós. And because it is awesome and I love Bill Murray.


I like a bottle of moonshine.


Moonrise Kingdom is fantastic, but my favorite is The Grand Budapest Hotel. It's such a visually appealing movie and I loved it from start to finish. Rushmore is another beloved one.

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