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I'm 55 years old... been lots of different places... I read Persig for the first time at 13 and about 20 times since... while I think that there is a very low probability in the existence of a "God" as created in Judeo/Christian/Islam religions I cannot definitively stste that there is not one and neither can any of us hairless apes walking this small rock in this cosmos... what I find interesting is the number of people that are non believers, the intellectual as it were, who serms to take such pride in differentiating themselves from those that are and seem to asdume this mantle of superiority to those that are... serms to me that our collective knowledge as a species is very a small population of the data set... Einstein believed in a god... does that make him stupid?... it seems some use their belief as a readon to seperate themselves as a group and find themselves somehow intellectually and morally superior to others... kinda like all those religious fanatics... just one dust motes way of thinking about it...

RobertLongie 3 May 12

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I can say without reservation their is no God in the Judeo/Christian tradition. People can be highly intelligent and not overcome childhood indoctrination or the fear of death and what may come or does not come after death. I don't feel superior to believers, but I do fear the ignorant motherfuckers.


Einstein believed in Spinoza's god, not a personal god, and usually referred to himself as an agnostic.

Yeah, I find fanatical atheists almost as annoying as fanatical theists. They don't condemn people they disagree with to everlasting hell, but they do seem to condemn people they disagree with to everlasting stupidity.

In my experience intelligence has no bearing on whether a person believes in a god or not. It has much more to do with early life indoctrination.

@Moravian Same here. Though I do usually find theists to be less logical, which doesn't bother me as long as they admit it.


Sorry for the spelling errors... had a couple of beers and I'm a shitty texter

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