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So... what's going to happen with all these abortion laws happening in regressive states? I don't want to live in Gilead. If a fetus has to use my body's resources to survive, I should be able to decide what to do with it. Birth control isn't failproof. No one wants to have an abortion, but sometimes it's necessary. If these Republicans actually gave a damn about women and babies they'd be making sure we have good sex ed and easy access to contraceptives. They'd be making sure Planned Parenthood is well funded so they can continue helping women not have to make the choice to have an abortion. That's what they did for me. They were there for me when I was poor and needed contraceptives. Telling people to just not have sex is asinine and futile.

Remi 7 May 13

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Agreed. Religion has a strong foothold on our world. My 2 cents: it needs to be stepped on.


This movement is not about “life” or “fetal rights.” It is about controlling women. It is about punishing women for having sex, reducing them to incubators, criminalizing body autonomy, making women live in fear.
The add-ons to these bills are terrifying. One proposes making it illegal to travel to other states for abortion. One makes the IUD illegal as “causing abortion.” One has an exception for rape ONLY if a police report is filed AND sets forth that if the rapist is not convicted the victim will be charged with filing a false report.
It’s f—king terrifying.

Wtf! I have no words


Asinine = Republicans; makes sense to me.


I agree. I’m hoping the higher courts will strike these ‘bans’ down. I was 13 when Roe passed; I cannot BELIEVE this fight is still going on!
Abortion won’t stop, of course, just go underground and unsafe like before. So called pro-lifers don’t care, though. They’re all about control and punishment of women. The assholes.

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