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Hi there. Im from India. Those who don't know about India, It is down to china. India is a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic. Seems nice but actually the government in India which is Pro Hindu religious. As India is Hindu dominated country. One of the Politicians says We have to remove secular word from the constitution and Another politician says Is there any proof for the evolution? Scary Isnt it? Its even more scary to knoe that these guys Actually have the power to make India as a religious country because they have the majority in the house. We are going to have elections next year So Im hoping that atleast this government should not get majority. Thanks Cheers

Uday 2 Mar 9

Enjoy being online again!

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To Western Women planning to visit India, this is my advice


Hi Uday, I posted a little while ago about wondering if there are atheists from non abrahamic religions on here and you would appear to be one. Nice to have you along 🙂

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