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islam: the religion of perpetual suppression::: Let's be extra clear: In 610 AD a psychopathic, desert warlord pronounced himself king of the world. He claimed to be the last prophet, and his religion the last religion, and everyone would be subjugated and assimilated or they would die. No mercy.

He thereby declared war on everyone else. And since 610 AD his fascism has been spread by the sword, killing millions everywhere it has invaded. And suppressing all opposition.

And forcing women to live in body-bags or be punished.

He started this bullshit. I am NOT going to concede to such evil.

saudi arabia just beheaded "dissidents." BARBARIANS!

Defending this insanity is colluding with the enemy of the enlightenment, the foundation of rational civilization.

JacarC 8 May 15

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Another own-goal scored there: "And forcing women to live in body-bags or be punished." It doesn't matter how right about most of your argument, as soon as you make an exaggerated point that isn't backed by the Qur'an you give your enemy the ability to appear to shoot you down in flames by focusing on the part you got wrong. You end up promoting Islam every time by mistake.

in the US women and girls are covered, only showing their faces and hands. He, and the boys, are wearing t-shirts and shorts. Tell me how that is not oppression?

1.8 billion muslims. 1/2 half is 900 million. In nearly every place on the planet women are required to cover themselves.

@Jacar The trouble is that they aren't all forced to do that: many do it out of choice, and many others do not conform to the rules and are not punished (other than through deep disapproval). Your choice of wording "body-bags" goes beyond the truth (even though some people see it as an apt comparison), and it doesn't win anyone over from the other side.

What happens with people is that they tend to polarise: they move to opposite extremes, and the most powerful factor in making them shift position on any issue is when they're repelled there by someone they disagree with who overstates the case. You're helping to polarise things, and that doesn't fix the problem, but entrenches people in their misguided support for Islam. You're on the right side, because Islam most certainly is a real threat to humanity, but it's impossible to educate people who've been taken in by it if you drive them away from the truth by going even a little bit too far to the other side of that truth. And most of the people criticising Islam are doing the same thing, for example by picking on Islam over and over again and never mentioning that many other religions are also propagating hate that drives terrorism. (And all the actual Nazis that jump on the bandwagon because they hate Muslims don't help either - they boost the spread of Islam more than anything.) If the world is to be saved from Islam, a more intelligent strategy needs to be used.


Wow this is so historically incorrect:
In Islam's early period, women were professionals and property owners, as many are today. Although in some countries today the right of women to initiate divorce is more difficult than intended, this is a function of patriarchal legislation and not an expression of Islamic values. Mohammad himself frequently counselled Muslim men to treat their wives and daughters well. "You have rights over your women," he is reported to have said, "and your women have rights over you."
All requirements of modest dress as listed in the Qoran are exactly the same as in the OT and NT and there is NO requirement to cover the face. In fact the Qoran only informs women to 'cover their breasts'. The full facial covering is entirely CULTURAL.
Jacar you MUST read something love. I say this in all kindness.

Islam has been spread by war. Non-stop. 12th century mullah declared math a tool of the devil.

That has resulted in total stupidity. But the war did not stop. 1.8 billion adherents. A world war.

@Jacar Christianity is spread by war. The IRA were Christians. Religion is the problem, no necessarily the adherrents.


Jacar you are the last person to be talking about enlightenment.


Aren't all those crazy religious fanatics just variations on a theme?


All religions are bad news....

And the worst right now is islam. Very dangerous. 35,000+ attacks since 9-11. The US population is profoundly ignorant about this danger.

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